Council for decision-making is a new parliament which has been founded as an alternative to the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a parallel parliament which has the power of appointing a government.
This new political organization is thriving to establish a democratic, secular and a decentralized system in Iran after changing the Islamic Republic of Iran through a wide variety of strategies and tactics.
Diversity of members represents diversity in Iran the main differences between this organization and other political organization are as followings:
- Iran is a multicultural, multi religion with diverse population of different roots, religions, cultures and climate.
- Most of the political groups are represented in this parliament
- Most of the cities and regions and provinces of Iran are also represented in this organization.
- As a parliament, it represents a variety of political ideas
- It also represents republicans, constitutionalists, nationalists, federalists, liberals, democrats, and socialists.
- Almost half of the members of this parliament are the political activists inside Iran which have been imprisoned for several times.
- Half of the members are from the top political activists outside Iran
- It also represents all religions inside Iran Political and social base in Iran the members have been chosen through introduction and elections very carefully to represent a geographical constituency, or a political trend. This parallel parliament, therefore, has a very strong social and political base inside Iran which can mobilize the people all over the country with different rights, aspirations and goals.
Aims and goals
This parliament intends to initiate and engage in a series of social, political and cultural activities which will prepare the ground for the change of regime. It has already prepared a plan of action with detailed strategies. It is committed to the principles of human rights charter and its Conventions to make sure that the rights of all peoples, classes, syndicates, civilian organizations, political parties, nationalities and minority groups are observed and implemented.
This parliament also intends to produce a series of bow policies and measures to prevent any kind of reproduction of dictatorship in the country. Iran has suffered for centuries from dictatorships which have resulted to the present situation in which more than 80% of the people live under poverty line while the income from oil and gas and taxes have been sufficient to construct and develop Iran into a welfare state that can provide for its people whatever is available in modern developed countries.
The main principles
The parliament intends to establish a democratic, secular and decentralized or Federal System in which the power is divided among different regions and provinces to make sure that power and wealth will not be monopolized by one person or one group in the centralized system.
The discrimination will be eradicated in any form and shape and equality of opportunities will be available to all citizens regardless of their race, color, origin, religion, and political tendencies.
This organization commits itself to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of political parties and publics demonstrations to guarantee that democracy will benefit all citizens.
The rights of women, workers, ethnic groups and all individuals and groups are guaranteed according to the human rights charter and its related conventions.
The founders of this organizations are determined to dissolve all the present terrorist groups which are created and supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran. They are committed to prevent any actions and measures that may destabilize the neighboring countries which have suffered too much under the present regime.
The council for decision-making guarantees that the international community and neighbors will not be the subject of any kind all interference by the new system in Iran. We also guarantee that nobody and no organization from Iran would interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
This parliament thrives to make Iran part of the international order and community with normal and friendly relations with foreign countries and nations. This also guarantees a policy of reconstructing its relationships with different countries. It also guarantees to eradicate terrorist organizations which are active in other countries.
We are determined to design a series of visions and plans for reconstructing Iran with the support and help of all nations.